The most significant data spaces event took place in the Hague


From March 21 to 23, 2023, GATE representatives attended the Data Spaces Symposium and Deep-Dive Day in the Hague– the biggest data spaces event with more than 700 participants. The event provided a unique platform to explore, assess, and map out the future of data spaces by bringing together industry leaders, government representatives, and private sector innovators.
Hosted by the Center of Excellence for Data Sharing and Cloud (TNO), International Data Spaces Association (IDSA), the Basic Data Infrastructure network and the Data Spaces Support Centre, boosted by the Data Spaces Business Alliance and organized together with EUHubs4Data and MyData Global the forum brought together all relevant data sharing initiatives and endeavours at one place.
Throughout all three days, the intensive agenda contained insightful presentations, last updates from the work of the Data Spaces Support Center, deep dive into various data space realizations and extensive networking.


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March 28, 2023